Spring Security allows us to use role-based control to restrict access to API resources. However, inserting role names as simple…
Delegating user management to Keycloak allows us to better focus on meeting the business needs of an application. However, we…
Keycloak provides simple integration with Spring applications. As a result, we can easily configure our Spring Boot API security to…
Postman comes with a wide variety of OAuth 2.0 compliant configuration options that allow us to authorize requests against a…
If we want to import multiple Keycloak realms, or realm resources are split into multiple files, we need to execute…
Running a Keycloak service in a Docker container allows us to share its configuration across multiple environments. However, we can…
Keycloak offers a wide variety of methods for defining user permissions and roles. We can configure privileges across a realm…
Keycloak allows us to customise its themes. This enables us to provide a user interface that remains consistent across all…
Having a dockerized Keycloak service that works out-of-the-box and contains an imported realm with its default users is very useful.…
Keycloak is an open source project that is a convenient option for delegating authentication and user management. It allows us…