
How to add Bootstrap to your Angular project with ng-bootstrap

We can significantly speed up progress on our Angular application when we enhance it with Bootstrap styles and ng-bootstrap widgets.…

4 years ago

How to add an Angular module built with Maven to a SonarQube analysis

We can use SonarQube to analyse all or only selected modules from our multi-module application built with Maven. Let's configure…

4 years ago

Angular logs the “not a known element” error as a warning

In Angular 9 and 10 we can notice that the "my-element is not a known element" error is missing when…

4 years ago

Fix “Invalid CSRF token” error – add the XSRF-TOKEN header in Angular

Angular provides a built-in support for sending requests secured with the XSRF-TOKEN header. However, it won't add the token to absolute…

5 years ago

Handle server-side sorting in an Angular application

When our frontend gets a paginated result from an API, we have to handle not only paging, but also sorting…

6 years ago

Handle server-side pagination in an Angular application

When pagination is performed on the backend side of a web application, we need to support this feature on the…

6 years ago

How to test Angular AuthGuard – examples for the CanActivate interface

After adding the routing guards to your project, you need to unit test their methods to make sure that an unauthenticated user is…

6 years ago

Securing your Spring Boot and Angular app with JWT #3 – Frontend

There are several issues that need to be covered when you want to secure a frontend module of a Spring Boot…

6 years ago

Securing your Spring Boot and Angular app with JWT #1 – Introduction

You can use the JSON Web Token standard as a part of your authentication and authorisation solution in a project built with…

6 years ago

How to build a custom collapsible sidebar navigation with Angular 6

Check out how to build a side navigation that fits perfectly into an admin layout or any dashboard page. We…

6 years ago